
Diablo 2 summon necro build
Diablo 2 summon necro build

diablo 2 summon necro build diablo 2 summon necro build

  • Percentage HP per level increased from 7% to 10%.
  • diablo 2 summon necro build

    (See the Paladin class changes guide for more details about changes to Thorns). For “Iron Golem,” we are changing the “Thorns” aura to deal more reliable damage to improve its source of effectiveness. “Blood Golem“ and “Fire Golem” are receiving damage improvements to make them more competitive with the other Golems. This means that Cold damage is more effective but still slightly weaker than Fire damage because of its chill utility, and Poison damage is much more reliable with a fixed duration and better damage scaling. Skeletal Mages have received significant damage scaling improvements so that their elemental damage values are more consistent. Developer Notes: We saw a good opportunity to improve lesser-used summons for the Necromancer.

    Diablo 2 summon necro build